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但推廣足球、票房外,比賽內容精彩可能就不能掛保證了,以亞洲目前的實力而言,實力差距仍然存在,如北韓面對中亞、東南亞的國家都外帶年菜 台中能抗?,但亞洲盃卻有些不堪一擊。







/ Reuters, PALM BEACH, FloridaUS president-elect Donald Trump on Saturday left open the possibility of meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) if she visits the US after he is sworn in on Jan. 20 and also expressed continued skepticism over whether Russia was responsible for computer hacks of US Democratic Party officials.In remarks to reporters upon entering a New Year’s Eve celebration at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump said: “We’ll see,” when pressed on whether he would meet Tsai if she were to be in the US at any point after he becomes president.Tsai is to transit in Houston on Saturday and in San Francisco on Friday next week on her way and from a trip to Central America.Beijing bristled when Trump, a few weeks after his Nov. 8 victory, accepted a congratulatory telephone call from Tsai and has warned against steps that would upset the “one China” policy China and the US have maintained for decades.Talk of a stop-over by Tsai in the US has further rattled Washington-Beijing relations.On another foreign policy matter, Trump warned against being quick to pin the blame on Russia for the hacking of US e-mails. The Washington Post on Friday reported that Moscow could be behind intrusion into a laptop owned by a Vermont electric utility.US intelligence officials have said that they are confident Russia was behind the hacks, which could have played a role in Trump’s defeat over failed US presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.“I think it’s unfair if we don’t know. It could be somebody else. I also know things that other people don’t know so we cannot be sure,” Trump said.Asked what that information included, the Republican president-elect said: “You will find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”He did not elaborate.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者康世人新德里29日專電)印度社群媒體近日瘋傳一段印度人民黨(BJP)女政治人物的性愛影片,因被網友指認出來,這名女主角乾脆站出來反擊且加碼爆料男主角身分,指控先前曾遭這名男子勒索。 印度社群媒體近日透過多媒體訊息服務(MMS)流傳一段性愛影片,最後被網友認出是印度人民黨加爾克漢德省(Jharkhand)丹巴德(Dhanbad)巿的高層政治人物之一辛赫(Geeta Devi Singh)。 印度「News X」網站報導,被指涉的辛赫最後乾脆站出來反擊,指控這一切都是對手的政治陰謀,企圖破壞她的公眾形象。 她還加碼爆料,影片中的男主角是她多年好友辛哈(Satyendra Sinha),在這段影片流傳前,辛哈還向她勒索70萬盧比(新台幣近34萬元)。 這段影片長度約6分多鐘,因為拍攝角度關係,只拍到辛赫的正面,她一開始坐在床上與背對鏡頭的男子摟抱親吻,兩人親密過程中,男子從頭到尾都沒露臉,外界因此猜測這段影片是針對辛赫而來的偷拍影片。 辛赫已經向丹巴德市警方報案,警方也已立案展開調查。 印度身為亞洲最大民主國家,政治人物之間的競爭也經常出現不少被認為「骯髒」的手段,包括揭露對方家庭隱私、攻擊對方收賄,以及這次的性愛影片事件,都時有耳聞。1051229

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